🚩Week Six Guide: Required before posting

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Eastman, C. [Artist]. [Line drawing]. (1996, Spring/Summer). Without insight. Counterpoint XII (2), 6.


History of Psychopathology

ESSENTIAL OBJECTIVES FOR WEEK THIRTEEN: 2. Describe the development of psychopathology as a scientific discipline, and 5. Identify and analyze several legal and ethical issues surrounding the research and treatment of mental disorders.

REQUIRED REFERENCES: Read, listen to, and/or watch each of the required references to use in your work this week when analyzing, comparing, and contrasting the experiences of H.H. Atwater and Lexabelle Geiger.

CASE STUDIES & PSYCH THEORY:  While describing and analyzing case studies is an essential academic skill in our field of study, one must also apply psych theory and terms to those case studies to give them deeper meaning. Likewise, theory alone can be fascinating, but it only takes on useful meaning when applied to a specific person in a specific situation, whether real or fictional.

Thus the goal is to use psychological theory and terms to explain the behaviors and experiences of your case studies, thereby creating a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts (the gestalt).

POSTING TIP: Like most things in Canvas, there is more than one way to add images or screenshots of images to your posts, including using the URL to an image you found online.

First, place your cursor where you want the image to appear in your text.

Then click either on the Images icon in the Toolbar, or on Insert>Image>Upload Image in the Menubar, both of which will take you to the Upload Image screen.  Click on the URL tab and go from there:

Upload Image URL.png

For more details, go to https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Student-Guide/How-do-I-upload-and-embed-an-image-in-the-New-Rich-Content/ta-p/329 Links to an external site.


Plaque describing the Brandon Training School

https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=76003 Links to an external site.

Established in 1915, the program served Vermonters with mental retardation and developmental disabilities continuously until 1993. Founded as the Brandon State School for Feebleminded Children, the name was changed to Brandon State School in 1929 and later to the Brandon Training School. Begun as a working farm, many original structures still exist, including remnants of a horse racetrack visible from Route 7. The campus grew to include over 30 buildings and 400 acres, and served over 650 persons at its peak in 1968. In the 1980s the population of the facility declined as persons were served in community based programs. The Brandon Training School maintained a proud tradition of quality care and active training throughout its history.ly until 1993. Founded as the Brandon State School for Feebleminded Children, the name was changed to Brandon State School in 1929 and later to the Brandon Training School. Begun as a working farm, many original structures still exist, including remnants of a horse racetrack visible from Route 7. The campus grew to include over 30 buildings and 400 acres, and served over 650 persons at its peak in 1968. In the 1980s the population of the facility declined as persons were served in community based programs. The Brandon Training School maintained a proud tradition of quality care and active training throughout its history.