Out of Sight: The Rise and Fall of the Asylum—Madness

Watch or Read: Out of Sight: The Rise and Fall of the Asylum—Madness Links to an external site.

If you are logging into Films on Demand for the first time, you may see a “Find Your Institution” screen. If so, enter/choose Vermont State Colleges Libraries ( VSCL, not CCV), and then enter your CCV login info. If you run into problems after doing this, please contact a VSCL librarian for help.

Click on the Transcript tab to read and/or copy and paste quotes into your work. Clicking on specific text will take you to that section of the film.

NOTE: Disturbing and graphic images of early psych experiments and treatments.


Cite in your text as: (Out of Sight, 1991)

Cite in your full References as: Out of sight: The rise and fall of the asylum-madness [Video]. (1991). In Films On Demand. https://go.openathens.net/redirector/vsc.edu?url=https%3A%2F%2Ffod-infobase-com.us1.proxy.openathens.net%2FPortalPlaylists.aspx%3FwID%3D237619%26xtid%3D48756 Links to an external site.