🚩Week Five Guide: Required before posting


Cartoon of sitting woman hunched over by long list of women's issues and a caption: "But she has nothing to be depressed about, Doctor."Thompson, J. (Cartoonist). (1996, Spring/Summer). [Cartoon] Counterpoint XII (2), 2.



ESSENTIAL OBJECTIVES: 4. Describe common symptoms and treatments of mental disorders including anxiety, mood, somatic, dissociative, sexual, and psychotic disorders, and 7. Locate, select, and effectively use research materials that address specific problems in psychopathology.

REQUIRED REFERENCES: Read, listen to, and/or watch each of the required references for the week. Use theory, facts, and expert opinion from those sources in your case study report when discussing and analyzing the week's case studies.

ADDITIONAL CREDIT FOR MEDIA: From now on if you include media in your posts, you stand to earn 1 - 3 extra points for that week. (The only exceptions are when media is required, not optional, such as for the exams.)

such as for the exams.)

Basically, as long as your text is academically sound, if you introduce, embed, and correctly cite

--one form of media (e.g., an image like a photo, graph, or chart), you'll earn an extra point;

--two forms of media (e.g., an image and a video), you'll earn up to two extra points;

--three forms of media (e.g., an image and a video and a podcast or radio report), you'll earn up to three extra points.

So including three images, for example, earns you 1 point, not 3--you must post different types of media to earn more than 1 point.

NOTE: You may continue to post text-only reports and still earn perfect scores each week (except for the exams when media is required).

POSTING TIPS: Except for images for aesthetics only, always introduce your media to the reader by briefly describing it, or quoting from it, or explaining how it relates to your analysis as you would for any key source. Include correct APA cites.

Remember to center any images on the page, either by placing your cursor in the middle before adding your image or using the "Align center" tool after adding the image.screenshot of the Centering tool


Rosie's Girls. (2014). KELLY WALSH AND THE GIRLS PROGRAMS OF VERMONT WORKS FOR WOMEN.http://wp.me/p4elXk-ip Links to an external site.