Course Syllabus

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CIS-1151: Website Development


Course Description

This course explores the creation of effective websites and pages. Topics include application of website development tools, and managing site content, site presentation, and site behaviors. Students will explore and modify Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and use Javascript code. Students will manage a website’s associated files and folders, web publishing client/server process, and administration of a website. Students will create and enhance a number of websites in this course.

Essential Objectives

By the end of the course, students will be able to: 

  1. Evaluate a variety of websites for content, style and functionality.
  2. Identify current trends in Web page use and design including content management systems.
  3. Describe accessibility, copyright, security, and other legal and ethical considerations in Web design.
  4. Understand that there are different versions of HTML and XHTML and use tools to validate standard code syntax.
  5. Create a Web page in HTML using a text editor.
  6. Produce sample Web pages using a graphical development tool.
  7. Use a variety of media file formats and describe the parameters of each format and their effect on quality and speed.
  8. Demonstrate the appropriate and effective use of tables and forms in Web page design.
  9. Demonstrate the effective use of inline and external CSS for style and element positioning.
  10. Describe the use of Javascript and PHP as they relate to Web development.
  11. Create a form to collect and manage data and understand the options for processing that data.
  12. Describe logistics and costs involved in planning, producing, finding a host, and maintaining a website.
  13. Design and build a multi-page website that includes internal navigation, consistent style, and interactive elements.


Textbooks & Technology

Required Textbooks:

Robson, E., & Freeman, E. (2012). Head First HTML and CSS.  O'Reilly. Available as a free eBook through the Hartness Library.

Technology Requirements:

You will want to use a graphical HTML editor: Notepad ++ for PC or BBedit or Brackets for Mac (free version is fine)

Modular Topics

  • Module 1: The History of HTML
  • Module 2: HTML and the W3C
  • Module 3: What makes a good website?
  • Module 4: The W3C Validator
  • Module 5: Adding some style with CSS
  • Module 6: Accessibility and security standards
  • Module 7: Website planning to avoid common website mistakes
  • Module 8: Website layout
  • Module 9: Intellectual property, copyright and ethical considerations
  • Module 10: JavaScript and PHP
  • Module 11: Beyond Text - Photos, Media and Interactive elements
  • Module 12: Understanding forms
  • Module 13: Content management systems
  • Module 14: Website hosting
  • Module 15: Final Projects

Suggested Progression

This is a self-paced asynchronous course which means that students will be starting and progressing at different rates throughout the term. Once you feel like you have a strong handle on the material, and you have completed all of the assignments for the module, you should feel comfortable moving on, regardless of the pace, as long as you complete the course within the semester timeframe.  If you are starting at the beginning of the term, you could spend one week on each module to successfully complete the course within the term. If you are starting 7 weeks into the course, you could spend one week covering two modules so that you complete the course successfully within the term.


Your final grade will be based on the following assessments:

Assignment Category Grade Weight Percentage
Demonstrate Your Learning Forums 30%
Assignments 40%
Try It Yourself Activities 10%
Final Project 20%
Total 100%


Assignments Overview

Your learning modules will consist of learning resources, demonstrate your learning forums, assignments, and Try It Yourself Activities. You will also be working towards a final website development project throughout the course. Please review all of the assignment rubrics for details on grading.

Demonstrate Your Learning forums are a part of every learning module and most are post-first discussions which means that you will post your reply before seeing the replies of others. Discussions will be graded based on the following rubric:

Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaching Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Points
Knowledge Comprehensive, in-depth and wide-ranging
(5 points)
Up to date and relevant
(4 points)
Relevant but not comprehensive
(3 points)
Limited superficial knowledge/response
(2 points)
5 points
Understanding Outstanding ability to grasp concepts and relate theory to practice
(5 points)
High level of ability to conceptualize essential ideas and relate theory to practice
(4 points)
Some ability to conceptualize essential ideas and relate theory to practice
(3 points)
Limited ability to draw out concepts and relate theory to practice
(2 points)
5 points
Writing Skills Excellent mechanics, sentence structure, and organization
(5 points)
Significant mechanics, structure and organization
(4 points)
Some grammatical lapses, uses emotional response in lieu of relevant points
(3 points)
Poor grammar, weak communication
(2 points)
5 points
Application & Analysis Grasps inner relationship of concepts. Excellent use of a wide range of supporting material
(5 points)
Demonstrates the ability to analyze and synthesize, independent analysis, good use of a range of supportive material
(4 points)
Informed commentary with some evidence of genuine analysis; some supportive materials used
(3 points)
Lacks evidence of critical analysis, poor use of supportive evidence
(2 points)
5 points
Total Points: 20 points



Student Support & Policies

Please review the following policies and support services:


Course Summary:

Date Details Due