Course Syllabus

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To view the complete Course Description, Essential Objectives, and Course Syllabus, please click on the following link: V21SU BIO-1030-VO02


Weekly Syllabus

Introduction to Nutrition Weekly Syllabus- Class Dates and Topics

NOTE- The following is a a weekly syllabus of class dates and weekly topics. Within each week's modules, there are notes and textbook reading to review, assignments and discussion board posts. In some modules, there are exams and videos also. The due dates and details are included in each of the weekly modules. As usual, keep me posted with any questions at any point along the way.





Week 1- May 25-Chapters 1-2 Basic Nutrition Concepts

-Nutrition Defined

-Nutrition & Health

-The Role of Nutrition

-Introduction to Food Labels


Week 2- May 31-Chapters 1-2 – Nutrition Attitudes and Guidelines/Food Quality

-Attitudes and Behaviors-

-Food Guide Pyramids –A Comparison

-RDA’s, DRI’s, etc. -Standards and Guidelines.

-Food Quality Introduction

Week 3- June 7-Chapter 3- Digestive System-structure and function

Choose a research topic-

-Details for Nutrition Research Paper in Week 3 Module and Projects Module

- Anatomy of Digestion

- Digestion and Absorption

- The Role of Probiotics


Week 4- June 14-Chapter 4- Carbohydrates

-Carbohydrates- Sugars, Starch, and Fiber

-Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

-Ketogenic Diet, Paleo Diet and Intermittent Fasting


Week 5- June 21–Chapter 5- Lipids

Outline & reference page for research paper/projects are due.- Submit in Week 5 module

-Lipids: Fats, Oils, Phospholipids, and Sterols

-Nutrition and Heart Disease


Week 6- June 28-Chapter 6- Proteins

-Proteins and Amino acids

-Vegetarian and Vegan Diets

-Genetically Modified Food- A historical perspective


Week 7-July 5 -Meal Planning and Food Labels

-Creating Meal Plans

-Reading Food labels

-Label project


Week 8- July 12–Chapter 9- Energy Balance, Body Weight and Determining Total Metabolic Rate

-Food, Energy, and Energy Balance

-Calculating TMR, BMR, physical activity & dietary thermogenesis

- Body Weight- Weight Control and Dieting- Myths and Realities

- Obesity

-Introduction to Dietary Analysis Project

-Determining Personal TMR values

-Calculating energy nutrient personal intake goals


Week 9- July 19 -Research Projects due- Papers/ Online Presentations Due.


Week 10- July 26-Chapter 7-8 -Vitamins and Minerals

-Vitamins: Fat-soluble and Water-soluble


-Diet and Cancer

-Minerals- Major and Trace Minerals

-Water- The many functions of water-soluble

-Quality of Water



Week 11- August 2-Chapter 13-14 -Nutrition Through the Lifespan

-Nutrition during Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and Infancy

-Nutrition during childhood and adolescence

-Nutrition and Aging


Week 12- August 9-This last week is dedicated to your dietary analysis project which is due the last day of class on 8/16


Week 13- August 16-Last Day of Class- Dietary Analysis Projects Due



Course Summary:

Date Details Due